Monday, 5 May 2014

Review: Bourjois Healthy Mix

Hi Guys!

So you've probably all read or watched at least one review or mention of the Bourjois Healthy Mix, well today i bring you a new one!

I've watched so many things where this product has featured as a favourite or top 10 so but i have never really seen anyone truly talk about the benefits of this product and how "healthy" it actually is to the skin. We all know how bad osme foundations can be and how vital a right foundation for your skin is. Now by t's name you would expect this product to be pra tically skin care, but it does claime to give you not only hydrated skin, but a luminous looking, flawless complexion with a healthy glow! So does it?! 

From my experience of this foundation over the past few months i have admitedly seen a change in the in which my skin reacts to this foundation. I like quite a full coverage foundation and as some of you may know this is quite a sheer one.. so at first i use it with quite a bit of concealer. However i have noticed myself usign a lot less concealer and relying totally on what this foundation does in covering my skin. I must also admit in to being really happy and pleased wth this foundation after all it's hype and how spectical of it i was.

Not only is it easy to apply, blend and in all fairness wear! But it does give you that healthly looking skin glow that we all want, espeically for threse spring/summer days where flawless no foundation skin is every girls dream!

Thanks guys! See you next time.. Jess x

1 comment:

  1. Haven't tried this yet but I've heard a lot of good reviews!! :)

    Layla xx - hope we can follow each other xxx
